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My Name is Francisco Trujillo and for my Junior-Senior Project, I decided to focus on Juvenile Delinquency and a way of inspiring other teenagers to find a different way for their future. My plan was to create a group of guitar players and show the capabilities of a teenager.  Through this group, I planned to create a sort of movement where teenagers are inspired to playing the guitar or other instruments in a specific genre of music.


My research consisted mainly of why teenagers enter into this delinquent state and the impacts it has on them. Teenagers with a lower income aare proned to take different paths in life because they feel trapped without a different way out for a brighter economically stable future. The effects that it has on teenagers like this are drug use, mental issues, mood swings, and many more negative behavior characteristics. 85% of the cases with juvenile delinquents negatively influence their peers wether it is their parents or younger siblings who look up to them. Because I live in a comunity where this is a reoccuring problem, I decided to take the maters into my own hands and attempt to spark a change with my parrion.




My project ended up being me teaming up with another student in highschool much younger than me, currently in ninth grade. We progressed through the year working on our skills playing the guitar, making and familiarizing ourselves with a home studio, recorded many songs, and progressed to bigger things such as getting the chance to performing on big stages.Due to the Coronavirus, I was not able to make a bigger group and while it was hard to gather teenagers for this project, it really benefitted me working with just one person. This opportunity allowed me to have the one on one experience so I can pass my knowledge on the guitar and recording. In the end the whole project worked out perfectly because the end goal of being an inspiration to others was met. Through a series of connections, we got in contact with a mexican band and were invited to join to add a touch of what is known as Sirreno into the group. Overall, this so called "Project" impacted me so much because it allowed me to bring out a side of me I had not known I had. Because of the current state me and my student/partner, we are going to continue with our guitar playing. I was able to convert my passion of playing the guitar into something far much larger than I expected and it became the main connection I had with the whole Junior Senior project.

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